profit and loss 【統計學】捐益。
【統計學】捐益。 “profit“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.〔常 pl. 〕贏余,利潤,賺頭 (opp. ...“loss“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.喪失;丟失,遺失。 2.減損,損失,虧損(額) ...“loss of profit“ 中文翻譯: 利潤損失; 利損險“profit or loss“ 中文翻譯: 益損值“profit-and-loss“ 中文翻譯: adj. 損益的 (profit-and-loss statement 損益計算書)。 “loss and gain,profit and loss“ 中文翻譯: 損益“account form of profit and loss“ 中文翻譯: 帳戶式損益表“accumulated profit or loss“ 中文翻譯: 累積盈虧“balance the profit and loss“ 中文翻譯: 平衡損益“branch profit and loss account“ 中文翻譯: 分店損益表“budgeted profit and loss account“ 中文翻譯: 預計損益表; 預算損益表“charging profit and loss method“ 中文翻譯: 損益收費法“combined profit and loss statement“ 中文翻譯: 合并損益表; 合并損益計算書“comparative profit and loss statement“ 中文翻譯: 比較損益表; 盈損比較表“comparative profit and loss statment“ 中文翻譯: 比較損益表“condense profit and loss statement“ 中文翻譯: 簡明損益表“condensed profit and loss statement“ 中文翻譯: 簡明損益表“consignment profit and loss“ 中文翻譯: 寄銷損益“consolidated profit and loss“ 中文翻譯: 總損益“consolidated profit and loss account“ 中文翻譯: 合并損益表; 綜合損益帳;綜合損益表“consolidated profit and loss statement“ 中文翻譯: 匯總損益表“current profit and loss“ 中文翻譯: 經常損益;本期損益“detailed profit and loss“ 中文翻譯: 損益明細表“distribution of profit and loss“ 中文翻譯: 損益的分配; 損益分配“division of profit and loss“ 中文翻譯: 損益分配
profit and loss account |
Income of = of profit and loss - defray suggests you search know fiscal to help you make account book 盈虧=收入-支出建議你們找個懂會計的來幫你們做帳吧。 |
Bad debts can usually be found in the profit and loss a c if they have been charged in the accounts 如帳目內曾記入壞帳,有關項目通常可于損益帳內找到。 |
Bad debts can usually be found in the profit and loss ac if they have been charged in the accounts 如帳目內曾記入壞帳,有關項目通常可于損益帳內找到。 |
Other service lease rental elements , which will be recognised as income in the profit and loss account 其他服務租賃租金成分,以在損益帳內確認為收入。 |
The profit and loss account show the movements which have take place since the last balance sheet 該損益帳目表明子上次資產負債表以來已經發生的變動。 |
Good accounting knowledge in terms of profit and loss balance sheet and cash flows composition 在利潤表和損益表以及現金流量表上有良好的會計知識。 |
Would you provide your balance sheet and profit and loss accounts for the past three years 請提供貴公司過去三年的資產負債表和損益賬目清單。 |
A certified copy of balance sheet and profit and loss account in respect of the basis period 該評稅基期內經簽署證實的資產負債表和損益帳; |
Probe into the audit of marketing profit and loss during the period of state - owned enterprises ' reform 關于國企改制期間經營損益審計的探討 |
Whether the profit and loss of business operation is suitable for forensic accounting evaluationliang 是否適合司法會計鑒定的探討 |
This figure can usually be found in the profits and loss ac andor notes to the acs 這數額一般可于損益帳及或帳目附注內找到。 |
Service lease rental payments , which will be charged to the profit and loss account , 支付服務租賃租金的款額,以記入損益帳內, |
Share profits and losses 共負盈虧 |
5 the ratio in which residual profits and losses will be shared by the partners 剩余利潤或損失在合伙人之間的分割比例。 |
All investors shall participate in the company ' s profits and losses 所有投資者均可參與分享公司的利潤和分擔公司的虧損。 |
The profit and loss figures have prompted worries over the company ' s future 那些盈虧數字已經引起大家對公司前途的擔心。 |
So when mob boss wallenquist looks over his charts of profits and losses 暴徒首腦發現他的手下變成多少具尸體的時候. . |
Thought on the identification and disclosure of the non - recurring profit and loss 對于非經常性損益界定和披露的一些思考 |
Account form of profit and loss 帳戶式損益表 |